Did some gardening today. I call it "facing my fears," i.e. that of worms, slugs and snails and other creepy crawlies encountered when gardening.
I dream of having a large garden, but between my black thumb and moving around a lot, I've never had much of a chance. I did not inherit mother's ability to stick a twig in a pot and make it grow - she really does this!
It's nice of Pete to let me do some gardening in his yard, but mostly I'm just pulling up weeds - morning glories and buttercups. Today I moved some ferns around, and tore out the ones that were choking the peonies and shrubs. I also planted three hostas. Hopefully I can fill the areas between them with some astilbes and some bulbs for the spring.

The yard is very shady, which is the reason for the hostas and why the ferns do so well.
Did some gardening today. I call it "facing my fears," i.e. that of worms, slugs and snails and other creepy crawlies encountered when gardening.
I dream of having a large garden, but between my black thumb and moving around a lot, I've never had much of a chance. I did not inherit mother's ability to stick a twig in a pot and make it grow - she really does this!
It's nice of Pete to let me do some gardening in his yard, but mostly I'm just pulling up weeds - morning glories and buttercups. Today I moved some ferns around, and tore out the ones that were choking the peonies and shrubs. I also planted three hostas. Hopefully I can fill the areas between them with some astilbes and some bulbs for the spring.

The yard is very shady, which is the reason for the hostas and why the ferns do so well.
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