Joecat's Waste of Bandwidth

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hiking Uncertainty

We spent several hours today planning food, making lists, shopping, and dehydrating vegetables and we are almost set to leave Sunday for Tom's annual hiking trip, but the whole plan is teetering on the edge. Bill broke his foot. Yes, Bill, who rock climbs, mountain climbs, mountain bikes, road bikes, surfs, windsurfs and runs half-marathons at the drop of a hat, broke his foot. Playing volleyball. He'll be on crutches for 6 weeks. Not even a cool story to show for it. He's swearing off "safe" sports.

So now, Dominique is thinking of bailing (not sure yet if it is because Bill's her close friend, or if it is now a safetly concern -- we think that Bill could probably carry out if one of us broke a leg, or at least run and get help quicker than anyone.) With Dominique currently hiking in the Yukon, and Tom in England, the challenge now is to figure out what we want to do. We still haven't booked the float plane. We might end up just doing a circle route now, instead of the one-way trip we were planning.


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