Joecat's Waste of Bandwidth

Monday, December 17, 2001

Wow, what a windstorm on Thursday night! Patrick went to work on Friday morning and came straight home because there was no work to do! The fiberglass molds that are stored in the yard were blown away, right through the fence into the farmer's field across the street! I think he said the Fraser river was flooded right up to their back door too.

I went to work, and there were branches everywhere, and a remnant of a fallen tree that had already been cleared from the road. There was no power at work because the substation had flooded and blew a transformer. Everyone was going home. Funny, because one of our business units is backup power. There is this huge marketing display in our reception area that has a picture of a dark neighbourhood with one house with lights. The caption reads "What Blackout?" Very ironic. I ran out of stuff to do at about 3 so I went home.

Safeway apparently was crazy on Sunday after they issued another storm warning -- everyone stocking up on everything. I was checking the power outages on Sunday night and there were still 2000 people without power in Abbotsford and lots of pockets of hundreds of people without power all over the lower mainland. I wonder how close this was to being declared a minor disaster.


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