Big Brother is Watching
Paranoia aside, Digital Globe is worth taking a look for it's amazing optical images at resolutions were cars are visible. You can seach for images in any part of the world (by map or city), by date and by image qualities.
All the pictures in the gallery are pretty cool and each has a little blurb about what it is or what is significant about it. There are pictures of Tiannamen Square, Ground Zero, Venice, Paris, fires and a volcano.
I think I know where I want to travel next: the coast of Spain.
Model airplanes?
Paranoia aside, Digital Globe is worth taking a look for it's amazing optical images at resolutions were cars are visible. You can seach for images in any part of the world (by map or city), by date and by image qualities.
All the pictures in the gallery are pretty cool and each has a little blurb about what it is or what is significant about it. There are pictures of Tiannamen Square, Ground Zero, Venice, Paris, fires and a volcano.
I think I know where I want to travel next: the coast of Spain.
Model airplanes?
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