Joecat's Waste of Bandwidth

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Blogs + Wiki = Drupal

Ahhh, Drupal, how long we have waited for you...You will help us manage our personal lives, professional lives and social lives.

OK, maybe that is an exageration, but from someone who attempts to manage her entire life via email, a better tool is needed. Come on, who doesn't store some, if not all their contact information, todo's, and projects files and status in emails or email attachments? I've tried using blogs to store info also, but I just found web-based email the best. Then I started working in teams, so we tried Wiki, which is a great tool, but really it is works best for static pages. Drupal seems to be promising, and our CSCW class is using it, partly as an experiment in collaborative work).

...still waiting for your standard internet provider to allow you to run PHP.
...still looking for the next killer app.


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