Joecat's Waste of Bandwidth

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


I got my car AirCare'd last week. I always wondered why they ask what the mileage on your car is, and it has always bothered me slightly why they collect this information. It just occured to me that it's how they collect information for their reports, specifically how much air pollution is emitted per year. How valid is this information anyway, if everyone is filling up at Mohawk before testing, if that's not the gas they normally use. I did that this year and my emissions were significantly lower (90% lower in some areas) than last year, when I just was using regular gas from Chevron.

Also, on the website, by simply entering your registration or VIN number, you can see the results history of your car, even before you owned it. After a moment of "That's cool..." paranoia kicks in and I start to think it's too much information available about me. (Says the girl with the blog.)

Someone mentioned to me that they buy only 11 months insurance if they are due for AirCare that year. It effectively gives them an extra year without getting AC'ed for just a little extra cost in the licensing fee (averaged). It wonder if anyone else does this to save a few bucks. Or is is well known and I'm the only one who doesn't do it?


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