Joecat's Waste of Bandwidth

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Sunday was an awesome day. Aileen and I went boarding up on Cypress. It was beautiful and sunny. Couldn't have asked for more, except maybe fresh snow. It was virtually my first time boarding and the first time on my Burton (used). We stayed on the bunny hill. Normally, I'd want to go on the bigger runs, but Cypress expanded it and put a chair lift on it so it is quite nice. We caught the last bit of the gold medal match between Canada and USA at the lodge. Woo hoo! Go Canada! The score was 3-2 for Canada in the last period, then Canada scored 2 more goals to seal it and end the 50 year drought for Olympic hockey gold. I'm sure the whole country went nuts! Then we drove home, honking and waving...Aileen laughed at me because she said I was like her, only louder. We made a stop by my parents to grab my flag and Aileen waved it out the window as we drove back to my house. It was fun to act obnoxious and have people smile and wave back! I think it was one of the rare occasions that Canadians allow themselves to show some pride.

Later that night I went to Katharine's friend Ninia's house for dinner. She lives in a very nice area in south Burnaby. She's a great cook.

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

OK, so everyone has seen this already, but for the first time in a millenium the time and date will be a perfect palindrome.
For 60 seconds today from 8:01-8:02 (p.m, 24 hour clock) the time will be 20:02, 20/02, 2002.

Sunday, February 10, 2002

So, do all Asians look the same? Find out for yourself. Apparently, I can't tell the difference. I scored 7 out of 18.