Joecat's Waste of Bandwidth

Thursday, November 14, 2002

Had a root canal finished this morning. Bleah. Wasn't too bad, but I'll need a crown put on it. Benefits pay $50, so I'll still be out about $500. I wonder how long I can get away with not putting the crown on, but it might crack.

Friday, November 08, 2002

Update on Gallery: Bleah. Looks like Telus doesn't support php. Get with the times!

Another bizarre nightmare, occurring in the morning, after I woke up, then fell asleep again:

I "woke" to hear someone unlocking the front door and coming downstairs. This person then rummaged through the spare room. I assumed it was Patrick, so I went to take a shower. When I came out, I saw that it was a girl (East Indian, good looking, dressed well) and that she was robbing us. I asked how she got in, and she replied that she had stolen the keys. I didn't think that she would get away, so I got dressed. I saw that she had piled Patrick's skateboards and a few other things by the front door. I tried to stop her, and even though I should have been able to over-power her, she put up just a little resistance and was able to stop me. Eventually, I got her into a hold, but it was a very gentle one that she should have been able to break out of if she wanted. Then I said I was going to call the police, but she said that if I did that, our house would suffer (meaning she would send people to drive into our house.) She said that I would have to let her go. I started bargaining with her, saying that if I let her go, she would have to leave everything behind, and I could still call the police after she left.